The legal notice, privacy policy, contracting conditions and cookie policy are the only tools available to the user to decide whether or not they are interested in engaging in commercial relations with you.
And by the way, don't let the same thing happen to you as to Vueling , who thought the cookie thing was a hoax and the joke cost them €30,000.
I suppose you wouldn't be fined that much, but you certainly can't underestimate the danger of not having your website's cookies in order.
Then you will need:
First information layers with forms (each one needs a different one).
Information clauses for your communications (email, newsletter, etc.) and on your website.
In the case of selling on the Internet and carrying out any type of contract electronically, the Law establishes obligations prior to and after the conclusion of the contract.
This implies, in addition to the legal notice and privacy policy, the drafting of the general contracting conditions that must include:
Prices and shipping costs, if applicable.
Obligations of the parties.
Purchasing process.
Purchase conditions: payment methods, product delivery times, delivery methods to the customer, etc.
Warranties and returns.
Conflict resolution mechanisms.
Withdrawal and resolution.
Language and jurisdiction.
In short:
the same guarantees as a philippines cellphone number physical purchase.
It is about establishing the same conditions and guaranteeing the same rights and guarantees to Internet users as those who make a purchase in a physical store.
So you understand it better.
Do you think you have the same guarantees when you buy a bag at the subway stall as you do in a store?
What kind of online store do you have?
Which one does it look like?

On the other hand, you cannot copy legal texts from other pages, you are deceiving your users and you are also bound to conditions that are not yours but that you will have to comply with if someone files a claim against you.
Do you think your legal texts accurately reflect the reality of your business and your services?
To do this, you must prepare personalized information clauses that you must incorporate into all the forms on your website that capture personal data, subscription forms, contact forms, loyalty forms, download forms, recruitment forms, etc.