You will be surprised how many financial mistakes you make every day. Seemingly small and minor actions create bad money habits. In this way, from small amounts spent under the influence of emotions and momentary whims, hundreds and sometimes thousands of złoty are created on a monthly basis. The basic problem for many of us is lack of knowledge.
Schools do not teach how to save and manage a personal budget so that we regularly have financial surpluses. So most people repeat the patterns seen in their own homes. Unfortunately, they are most often wrong and repeat patterns of living, from paycheck to paycheck. Beyond one's means and, worst of all, debt for consumption.
I'll show you the mistakes
Only when you become aware of the existence of this problem, you can implement corrective factors. In the form of actions that allow you to change negative financial habits. Don't worry, these are not some denmark whatsapp database sacrifices. It is simply the rationalization of expenses. Knowledge that is unfortunately not taught in schools and many homes. However, you can acquire it yourself, using information found in books or the Internet, including on this blog. Every bad habit can be changed into a good one. All you need to do is stop the actions that are destructive to finances. Repeat those that bring improvement to the situation. It is through repeated repetition of appropriate behaviors and activities that you develop and consolidate the appropriate habit. Using examples, I will show you what mistakes you make and how you can eliminate them. Improvement in the form of additional cash in your wallet or significant financial surpluses. You will notice the improvement in your bank account after a few months of following the new rules.
Stop exceeding your card limit
At first glance, small excesses of the available funds on a debit card seem harmless. Meanwhile, such actions usually lead to interest being charged by banks. It was supposed to be cheap, and suddenly high side costs and additional fees appear. Unfortunately, spending someone else's money is never cheap in practice.
Pay off debts
To think about saving, you first have to pay off your debts. Putting aside money is useless if the installments and interest on loans eat up the lion's share of your budget. I am thinking here especially of loans and cash loans. Known on the market for a long time, for their high total cost during repayment. First, pay off such obligations and only then start creating a financial cushion by accumulating savings.
Plan all your expenses
Going shopping without a list of essential products is a bad idea. Many random products will end up in your basket. Purchased pointlessly and unnecessarily. Creating such a list is not difficult. All you need is a simple pad of paper and a pen. Every day, you add only the necessary products. Then, only when you have collected the right amount of them, you start shopping. It is also not worth going to the supermarket too often. Conscious consumers often decide to shop once or at most twice a week. And when they buy fresh bread every day, they do not throw other products into the basket. Thanks to this, from small savings of a few or a dozen zlotys a day, you can easily save at least a few hundred zlotys a month.
Don't succumb to habits and stagnation
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Most of us get used to different life situations very easily. Especially if we are in a comfort zone and do not want to change it. Or maybe we do not have the courage to do so. I bet that you also overpay for many services and products every month. Although there are often much cheaper offers on the market. Spend 2-3 hours and review all the fees you pay every month. Check your electricity, Internet, telephone, television bills, etc. Then you can easily compare offers from competitors online. They often have cheaper rates and subscription packages to offer.
It's time to change your financial habits
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