Becoming very familiar with your target (dream) publication is another important foundational step in the lead-up process of eventually getting published. The more you know about the popular publications you want to write for, the more you’re going to be able to add the right kind of value to them during your pitching process.
How to Write for Publications Like Business Insider Screenshot of Ryan Robinson Contributed Article
Spend time over the coming weeks (and months) reading a good amount of azerbaijan phone number library your target publication is releasing. As you’re going, keep in mind that there are a lot of important insights you can glean from reading the work they allow their contributors to publish. Take note of crucial things like:
Topics that successful contributors frequently cover
Which types of stories tend to get the most traffic (or social shares)
Headline format, tone, and capitalization use (you can use a free tool like Title Capitalize to be extra safe)
The typical writing style contributors have
Length of the content that’s usually published
Overall tone, voice, and style of the writing
Who some of the most regular contributors are (make a list)
For example, take one of the most popular articles I wrote on my Forbes column (about how I’ve built a blog that generates upwards of $50,000/mo in revenue).
On Forbes, they actively display how many times an article has been read—so you can see just how popular it is, and thus learn some key lessons about what makes content perform well (or not) on publications like Forbes:
How to Write for Publiucations Like Forbes Screenshot of Ryan Robinson Article Reader Count Example
Another important element of studying your target publication is learning exactly who does the writing.
As you get to know the writing of certain contributors, journalists, or writers that you resonate with—you can learn more about what style of writing the publication is seeking. At the same time, you’ll be preparing yourself to be in a good position to eventually reach out to some of these existing
Becoming very familiar with your target (dream) publication is another important foundational step in the lead-up proces
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