The traditional web was based on a structure of documents linked together.
This system had some clear drawbacks that became more pronounced as the Internet grew.
The traditional web was not able to correctly structure content and provide an unambiguous description of it.
This ambiguity and lack of structure sometimes meant that search engines were unable to resolve queries with polysemic terms or synonyms of others.
This problem arose from the very way the traditional web worked, which analysed keywords in documents to respond to certain searches to which they were assigned.
To solve this type of problems, the semantic web or web 3.0 emerged.
Web 3.0 is not based on documents, but on information entities and the relationship between them.
Information entities
By entity, we refer to those 'things' or people or concepts that users identify as italy mobile number example independent, well-defined and to which we can refer a query.
Let's see an example.
'Billy Joel' is one entity, 'Billy' Idol is another entity.
They are both singers, but we distinguish between them and have different data that define and identify them as independent entities.
Semantic Search - Knowledge Graph of Billy Joel and Billy Idol on Google
In the Knowledge Graph of each one we can clearly see much of the information that defines each of these entities.
But what is truly interesting about the semantic web is not the entities themselves, but how they are formed.
Every entity is made up of many 'facts' that define it.
Thus, for example, some of the facts or units of knowledge that define the entity of Billy Joel are: Billy Joel was born in 1949, Billy Joel is a pianist, Billy Joel wrote “Uptown Girl”,...
Do you realize the “semantic structure” that all these facts follow?
The entity or subject is that which we are describing (eg Billy Joel).
The predicate is the characteristic that we describe about the entity (eg “wrote”).
The object defines the value of the feature described in the predicate (eg “Uptown Girl”).
In fact, it is the relationships between different entities through these triplets that form the semantic network on which this new web is built.