A personalized experience is one in which a user or buyer feels that their philippine whatsapp number interests, preferences and tastes were taken into account in customer service and in the development of content, product or service.
In marketing, an example of receiving a personalized experience is when you receive an email from a company wishing you a happy birthday, or when an advertisement for a product or service you just searched for on Google appears in your browser.
Personalization is possible thanks to:
Enabling and tracking cookies on websites. However, users can safeguard the privacy of their web data by deleting cookie tracking from their browser.
Processing millions of data through Big Data platforms
The development of machine learning algorithms that aggregate information from social networks and search engines.
The use of analytics and artificial intelligence systems that predict consumer behavior.
Retargeting of advertising.
Companies invest in these technologies to personalize their ads, posts, emails, and landing pages because it allows them to increase their interaction and conversion rate. But this would not be possible if people were not interested in receiving content that was specifically for them.
Next, let's look at some consumer behaviors that are studied by personalization psychology and that for many occur unconsciously:
In short, personalized content and consumer experiences tend to attract more attention and stay in the memory for longer . People like to feel that they are receiving special treatment, exclusive to them, even if it is carried out by artificial intelligence.
Although personalization is a strategy that increases business results due to the effects it generates on the human brain, its implementation is being perceived as dangerous.
There is a distrust in believing that companies, in this eagerness to track everything a user or client does to personalize content, can fall into espionage and data manipulation practices that disrupt user privacy.
Personalization must therefore be developed from an ethical marketing perspective, in which the well-being and safety of users is a priority above the commercial interests of your company.