Give your blog writers access to your CRM to be able to assign certain clients’ questions and interactions to them as content ideas. Keep an eye on your blog’s metrics and share important milestones with your company. A blog can make a big difference to your company’s bottom line, but only if you are taking it seriously. After Google: Should SEOs Jump Ship? Search Engines | AI and SEO The author's views are entirely their own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.
There was a pre-search-engine age. It’s hard to conceive of now, but there was. email lists uk Even in the early days of search engines, when Ask Jeeves, Yahoo, and Excite still competed for the crown, I can remember web portals. Pages that I’d start at, in the “computer room” at school, to navigate and explore the web not by searching, but by clicking on organized links. In the beginning, there were web portals. The internet was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep.
throes of a previous internet age. Search engine dominance, and specifically Google dominance, has been the norm for this kind of journey for decades now. It’s all that many SEOs have ever known. But what comes next? People have talked for a long time about existential threats to Google's dominance, and often, implicitly, by extension, SEO. You’ll have heard the claims that Amazon or YouTube are now preferred engines for certain kinds of search, or that Google is going to struggle against the unique technological advantages of Apple, AI chatbots, the unique regional advantages of Baidu, or the unique format advantages of TikTok.