And you get him to imagine in his mind what you want.

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And you get him to imagine in his mind what you want.

Post by Md5656se »

The subtitle is the next most important element on the sales page.

And like the first, it serves to draw and retain attention so that they continue reading.

Because remember that if the potential client continues reading, they are more likely to buy from you.

So here you don't have to try to talk about all the benefits of your product or service either.

You have to keep him there, reading your sales letter.

Then you'll have the opportunity to talk about the benefits and what your product can do for them.

So what should you do at this point?

This is a good time to get them to imagine what you're going to tell them on the sales page and get them to want to continue and not run away.

Continuing with the example from before.

A good subtitle might be something like:

"Here I'm going to show you the method that I used, and that few people know about, to leave my boring and demotivating job and start living motivated and full of energy developing online stores.

But pay attention, every word I tell you here is worth its weight in gold.

The method I am going to reveal to you has helped me, and has helped many others to achieve it. And it can do the same for you."

I'm promising you something realistic, something that can be achieved.

And when the potential client reads it, he will be able to imagine it, dream about it and become curious to know more.

And that's when you get them to continue reading your sales page.

3.- Storytelling
And here you have the third part of your sales letter.

The part of the story.

Have you heard about the power of stories, of storytelling?

Well, that's how it is.

We humans like stories, tales, anecdotes…

And that's what hooks us the most.

Which is perfect, because remember that you want your customer to read as much philippines telephone number of your sales page as possible, because the more they read, the more likely they are to buy from you.

With a good story you will be able to awaken emotions in your potential client.

And your customer, like all human beings, buys based on emotions.

That is where stories come in, but be careful, stories that support the brand's philosophy and objective.

And although it would take me another whole post to show you how to write a good story, I can tell you a few things to keep in mind.

The first thing is to be aware of what you sell and who you sell to.

Learning how to create your buyer persona and knowing who you are talking to while writing is a key task.

Put yourself in your client's shoes, be aware of their problems.

And once you know their problem, draw in their mind, with your words, how your pro


duct or service can solve it.

For example, if you sell public speaking courses, tell the story of when you had to give a talk at your school's end-of-year event, you went blank and the person you liked encouraged you with their look.

If you are a coach and you sell a personal development workshop, tell the story of a brother who betrays the other and how the betrayed brother suffers until he finds, in a personal development workshop, how to overcome the trauma and his life changes.
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