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Each device presents text

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 8:45 am
by poxoja9630
..breakpoint }: PropsWithChildren<RenderIfWindowSizeProps>) { const { width: totalWidth, height: totalHeight } = useResponsiveWindowSize(); const shouldRender = shouldRenderBasedOnBreakpoint( breakpoint, totalWidth || 0, totalHeight || 0 ); if (shouldRender) { return <>{children}</>; } else { return fallback ? <>{fallback}</> : null; } } Since we can listen for keypress events, we were also able to develop scrollable components that display as much text as they can and then adapt them based on key events. You can find the full collection of our components in the GitHub repository . We have little or no control over the final challenge we face for the most part.

Each device presents text in its own way and at its own philippines whatsapp number speed. The result is that some devices flicker , and some more than others, when content is updated. To try to mitigate this, we've tried to minimize the amount of re-rendering on devices we know are more likely to suffer from this issue. For example, our loading bar only displays a spinner if we're certain it won't affect the device. TypeScript Copy the code import { Text } from 'ink'; import Spinner from 'ink-spinner'; import React from 'react'; import { useAnimation } from '.

./../hooks/useAnimation'; import { useTerminalInfo } from '../../hooks/useTerminalInfo'; export type LoadingIndicatorProps = { text: string; }; export function LoadingIndicator({ text }: LoadingIndicatorProps) { const { shouldAnimate } = useAnimation(); const { isWindows } = useTerminalInfo(); const spinnerType = isWindows ? 'line' : 'dots'; return ( <Text> <Text color="green"> {shouldAnimate && ( <> <Spinner type={spinnerType} />{' '} </> )} </Text> {text} </Text> ); } What I learned We're super excited about this SIGNAL Developer Mode, and on a personal level, it was really interesting for me to explore the limits of what's possible when it comes to using React and ink on a terminal.


Building something that can leverage both front-end and back-end concepts through the same tool can be incredibly powerful. When it came time to prototype the experiment, I wrote vanilla Node.js code and used the module import-jsx to add any JSX file to the project. But as the project grew, I needed more confidence in the changes I was making, and I ended up transitioning the project to TypeScript, step by step. If you want to learn more about this, check out my article on how to transition existing projects from JavaScript to TypeScript . Although I encountered obstacles and became aware of the limitations, the experience also gave rise to ideas for future projects to build with this stack.