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Its API and features are almost

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 9:08 am
by poxoja9630
There is a bit of boilerplate code involved to tell the browser what to do, but we don't need to use another Node module to make a request to the website we're trying to scrape. Overall it's a lot slower if you're doing simple things like this, but Puppeteer is very useful if you're dealing with pages that aren't static. For a more comprehensive guide on how to use Puppeteer's features to interact with dynamic web applications, here's one of my other tutorials going deeper into working with Puppeteer . Playwright Playwright is another library for headless browser scripting , designed by the same team that built Puppeteer.

Its API and features are almost identical to Puppeteer's, but it was designed to telegram philippines girl be cross-browser and works with FireFox and Webkit as well as Chrome/Chromium. Install it with the following command: Bash Copy the code npm install [email protected] The code to accomplish this task using Playwright is much the same, except that we need to explicitly declare which browser we are using: JavaScript Copy the code const playwright = require('playwright'); const vgmUrl = () => { const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch(); const page = await browser.newPage(); await page.


goto(vgmUrl); const links = await page.$$eval('a', elements => elements.filter(element => { const parensRegex = /^((?!\().)*$/; return element.href.includes('.mid') && parensRegex.test(element.textContent); }).map(element => element.href)); links.forEach(link => console.log(link)); await browser.close(); })(); This code should do the same thing and behave similarly to the code in the Puppeteer section. The advantage of using Playwright is that it is more versatile because it works with multiple browser types! Try running this code using the other browsers and see how it affects the behavior of your script... As with the other libraries, there is another tutorial that goes deeper into working with Playwright if you are looking for a more detailed explanation.