B2B Product Management (WooCommerce Plugin)

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B2B Product Management (WooCommerce Plugin)

Post by mmehedi*# »

Step 8:
Normally, for product management on B2B foreign trade websites, we use the WooCommerce plugin. WooCommerce is a powerful e-commerce plugin for selling goods and managing foreign trade orders. But for B2B foreign trade websites, the main purpose is to display products and receive inquiries. Therefore, you only need to use this plugin to divide product categories, upload and update product pictures and descriptions.

Step 9: Form and Inquiry Setup (Elementor Pro + Post SMTP)
SMTP Settings
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a simple russian whatsapp and effective email forwarding protocol. The SMTP service can help you forward the form information submitted on the foreign trade website to your own inbox.


Some hosts come with SMTP services that can be used without additional settings. If your host does not provide SMTP services, you can refer to some tutorials to use Post SMTP to configure SMTP email forwarding services.

Form creation
It is recommended to use the Form element of Elementor Pro to create forms. This does not require you to purchase or install other form plugins.
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