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The best segments to invest in the software market

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 8:28 am
by muskanislam44
The retail market is one of the fastest growing sectors in Brazil, even during the pandemic, many people had to reinvent themselves by choosing to start their own business.

In this commercial environment, the search for perfection in management and service is constant; finding a stable system that provides a complete overview of the company's operational processes is a challenge for many business owners.

Understanding which segments suffer the most from this difficulty is the first step before investing in a partnership with a software developer. With this in mind, we have prepared some data with the fastest growing sectors in Brazil, based on which we consider the best ones to invest in.

Overview of the fastest growing segments in Brazil
The purpose of a management system is to organize administrative whatsapp thailand number issues so that the owner has control over the processes that occur in the day-to-day running of his business. Activities that were previously controlled by several spreadsheets are now automated by the system, resulting in better service, management and complete control.

However, few companies use this tool to manage their business. One example is the food sector (restaurants, bars, snack bars and bakeries). According to the Sebrae website, there are 617.5 thousand companies working in the sector, but only 23% of them have some type of management system.

This difficulty does not apply only to this segment. As we have already said, the retail market is initially one of the fastest growing sectors. With this increase in demand, companies begin to focus their efforts on providing good service to their customers and end up giving less importance to management processes.

Segments such as mechanics and automotive technical services are present in this growth statistic. According to Sebrae, the sector has grown by 11.5% in recent years, with an average of 355,000 companies operating in this sector in Brazil. This number is growing considerably due to the 3.7% increase in automobile sales last year, an average of 41.7 million vehicles.

And it is not just the automotive sector that is growing; the supermarket sector is also experiencing an increase in sales and the opening of new stores. One example is 2019, when the sector recorded revenues of R$378.3 billion, according to the Brazilian Association of Supermarkets, which currently has 89.8 thousand stores. Markets and butchers have around 415 thousand establishments, according to Sebrae, and account for 35% of sales in the supermarket sector.

Even with the economic crisis we have faced over the years, the retail trade of clothing and accessories is the fastest growing. According to data from Empresômetro, the total number of companies reaches 1.04 million, which represents approximately 83.34% of active companies in Brazil.

Based on the data covered in this article, we can observe the universe of companies for which a management system can be offered, where the majority of them use outdated practices that generate errors and lack of control.

In this article we present data from segments that have seen the greatest growth in recent years and promise to be promising in the coming years, namely:

Restaurants, bars and snack bars
Markets, supermarkets and butchers
Retail stores
In such a broad universe of companies, where most of them do not have an effective management tool, we understand that there are great opportunities for potential clients to sell a management system.

Therefore, choosing a complete and efficient management system is essential when offering the product to your client. In this sense, Intelidata is a reference in the software market and has the best solutions for you and your client.