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Women's Day: Meet six protagonists of digital marketing!

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 4:26 am
by nurnobi30
Women's Day is coming. And to further inspire the celebration of this day, we present seven women who are transforming the world of digital marketing for you to get to know - or revisit - and motivate your professional journey!

Why is Women's Day celebrated?
Women's Day is celebrated to celebrate the advancements of women in society, politics and religion.

Not long ago, women could not even study or vote, which today are basic rights. That is, the roots of the celebration are linked to the strikes and protests that have already taken place around the world against gender inequality.

The date chosen, March 8, was made official by the UN in the 1970s and coincides with the day when 125 women and 25 men were burned to death in a factory in New York. However, despite the date being chosen for the celebration, it symbolizes a series of protests and strikes that took place in the 20th century , mainly in the United States.

Women's participation in the digital marketing market
Just like many areas that have a gap in women's participation, the marketing segment also faces this situation. This difference was caused by several factors, but today it is fortunately decreasing.

In addition to their commitment and dedication, women of all ecuador phone number data ages prove every day that they are capable of taking on the challenges of the digital marketing market. Whether in the areas of creation, customer service, management or leadership, they are up to the task and leave their mark wherever they go.

Another important point is the inclusive policies that more and more companies are adopting in their selection processes. Through them, opportunities are given equally. Therefore, despite the advertising market predominantly being sexist, it is becoming increasingly different.

Following this inspiration, meet women who are changing this reality and inspiring others to participate in the corporate world!

Women to be inspired by
Fernanda Hermanny.
Fernanda Hermanny
Fernanda Hermanny, CEO of Afilio.
Current CEO of Afilio, the only fully Brazilian performance and affiliate marketing company with over 100,000 affiliates, Fernanda Hermanny has been in leadership positions for over ten years, has years of experience in the digital marketing market and believes that the challenges she has faced have been essential for her career growth. In fact, during her participation in Didaticocast , Fernanda shared more about her career path!

Lisiane Lemos.
Lisiane Lemos
Lisiane Lemos – an inspiration for many women.
A great reference, Lisiane brings a bit of life wherever she goes. She started as president of AIESEC Pelotas and never stopped. She has worked at companies such as Microsoft. In addition, she is always addressing relevant issues on her Linkedin page in favor of equity and inclusion, inspiring women to participate in the corporate world. She currently works at Google and this is certainly just the beginning of an incredible journey.

Renata Maluf.
Renata Maluf
Renata Maluf – Women in the corporate world.
With years of experience in the e-commerce travel segment, Renata is currently the Marketing Director at Gol and continues her mission to delight customers. Quite a mission, considering that she took over one of the areas most impacted by the pandemic. This year, Gol was elected Top of Mind for the fifth consecutive year. It is undoubtedly an inspiration for many to see Renta participating in this achievement over the last three years!