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Online Marketing Plan Example for a Company: 35 Ideas

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 7:06 am
by pappu6327
Four members of the Aula CM team have developed an Online Marketing Plan for a recycled furniture store that contacted us. We want to share this digital marketing plan with you because we think that, in some way, it can be useful for other types of businesses as well. Many of the marketing ideas that we provide can be adapted and applied in other sectors. We hope that it will be of great help to you.

If you prefer to listen to our Digital Marketing Plan for a furniture store, you can do so in this Radio Marketing podcast . Also, if you want to learn more about Marketing you can take a look at our Digital Marketing Master and Online Digital Marketing Master .

First phase of every Social Media Plan
The first thing to do to develop any Online Marketing Plan is to be clear about 3 aspects:

What objectives does the company pursue? They all have to be specific, measurable and calculable over time. Is the goal to increase sales? Is it branding , to make people more aware of the brand? Do you want to get subscribers? Or perhaps retain and build loyalty among the public you already have so that your customers will buy again?
The second step would be to carry out an internal and external SWOT analysis austria telegram data the business to be clear about the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of both the company and the competition and the sector. Above all, you have to detect and define very well the strong points of the business: how can it stand out from the competition. Through the blog? With good online support? With exclusive and free proposals for the best clients?
Finally, you need to study your target audience . What is the potential client like? Where are they on the web? What topics are they interested in? How can we reach them? The profile will tell us what topics to write about and which social networks the company will be present on. It is not necessary for all companies to be on all social networks, only those that are truly interesting for their activity and customers.
Knowing the objectives, the audience and how this brand can differentiate itself, we will create Online Content Marketing strategies for that audience, knowing where they are and what interests them.

35 Online Marketing Ideas for a Furniture Store

Twitter furniture storeTwitter, the social network to reach strangers
Twitter is one of the few social networks that allows us to reach many users who are unknown to us but who meet certain characteristics. The first thing a company has to think about when considering being on Twitter is whether there is enough dialogue and whether people are talking about your topic on this social network. These are some actions that a business can take on Twitter:

1. Think about what content you are going to share
Twitter Marketing Plan contentYou need to see what kind of valuable content , whether your own or from other sources, you are going to share through Twitter. A good way to have the best content tracked and filtered is to use Feedly , a tool that allows you to post the best blogs (in this case, restoration and decoration). This way, it is easier for you to locate the articles that are really interesting for your audience. Another option to select content is to subscribe to the Buzzsumo tool and have it recommend the most shared articles about decoration or restored furniture. When the content is yours, Twitter is the perfect platform to spread it and make it known to your followers.

2. Search and participate
Marketing Plan Twitter participatesTwitter is a network where you have to be proactive . It's not about opening a social network and waiting for everyone to come, but rather going out and looking for them. How can you do it? You type "furniture restoration" into the Twitter search engine and you find about 800 tweets a day on that topic. What you have to do is talk to these users. The specific objective you can set yourself is to talk to 10 people a day: comment on what they share, retweet it, answer their questions... It's a good strategy to make yourself known and for others to start to see that your company has an affinity with their interests. You can dedicate about 20 minutes a day to this function of talking with other users.

3. Create lists
Twitter Marketing Plan listsWith lists you can highlight your audience and keep your audience organized. You can create, for example, the following lists: best decoration blogs, decoration enthusiasts and companies in the sector.

You can complement these actions with Twitter's Digital Marketing Guide for companies, where you will find tips that will help you boost your brand.