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Strategic marketing planning: 8 steps to plan your actions more clearly

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 7:07 am
by jisansorkar8990
Strategic marketing planning consists of an integrated action plan with the aim of achieving the company's marketing objectives, such as increasing market share , acquiring new customers, consolidating the brand image and launching products, among others.

Key takeaways from this article:
Strategic marketing planning aims to present in a document the company's actions to attract new sales opportunities and communication strategies.
When the company makes an effort to do this planning, it optimizes the team's efforts, whether to promote the brand, improve customer relationships or to not leave the team itself lost.
There are some ideal steps for building a plan, such as: understanding who the ideal persona is; defining goals ; establishing the marketing mix. All of this within a maximum time frame for carrying out the actions.
Strategic marketing planning is not an isolated action, and must be in tune with the sales process and its stages so that the company's results are increasingly positive.
And does your company already have a solid strategic marketing plan?

To open a new viable business , launch a new solution, establish a position in the market and make more people aware of your products and services, it is extremely important to have a good plan, which is capable of directing your company's marketing actions effectively.

With this in mind, we have created some content here that will clarify what a strategic marketing plan is and its importance.

In addition, continue reading and check out the following lines for a very complete and straightforward step-by-step guide on how to prepare this type of planning for your company:

Build your buyer persona ;
Analyze your company's internal and external environments ;
Establish your Marketing Mix ;
Define your goals ;
Create an action plan ;
Set a schedule ;
Set the budget ;
Determine the mechanism for monitoring the execution of the plan .
See also: 11 strategic planning tips tested [and approved] in practice

What is strategic marketing planning?
Strategic marketing planning can be defined as a document that will structure all the actions that a company will need to put into practice to promote its brand and its solutions, communicate a message to its target audience and attract new sales opportunities.

This plan contains all the strategies to be adopted by the company and how this should be done, in addition to the respective responsible parties.

Strategic planning serves as a guide for the marketing team and shows which results employees should seek.

How important is it to have a strategic marketing plan?
Having a good strategic marketing plan is extremely valuable for a company.

Through this document, it is possible to optimize the company's efforts and resources that are allocated to promoting the brand and building relationships with customers.

And when strategic actions are well structured in planning, it becomes easier to achieve ambitious goals and obtain a more satisfactory return on investments made by the marketing area.

Furthermore, strategic planning will guide the marketing team's actions and ensure that the message reaches whoever it needs to reach – at the right time and in the right way.

Step by step: how to make a strategic marketing plan?
Now that you know what strategic marketing planning is and its importance, see below a list of turkey cell phone numbers step-by-step guide to developing one for your business model.

Step 1 – Build your buyer persona
A buyer persona is a fictional representation of what you consider to be your company’s ideal customer profile. It is to this person that you will direct your speech and marketing efforts.

And to put this representation on paper, it is very important to answer questions like:

What are your challenges ?
What are your main interests ?
What is your role within the company and what is your decision-making power or influence ?
How do you get information or seek recommendations ?
What are your values?
It is worth remembering that your company may have more than one buyer persona, depending on your product lines or decision-making and influencer audience profiles.

Step 2 – Analyze your company’s internal and external environments
The second step in developing your strategic marketing plan consists of making an in-depth analysis of your business's internal and external environments, identifying strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats .

It is from this moment on that you will have a little more clarity about which strategies work best for your company, what your advantages and disadvantages are, and what results your marketing team is capable of achieving.

Check out this video from the Abri Minha Empresa blog, with more tips on how to do a SWOT analysis:

Step 3 – Establish your Marketing Mix
The Marketing Mix, also known as the 4 Ps of Marketing, refers to 4 fundamental aspects that must be considered in your planning.

Product: commercialized solution ;
Price: amount charged for the solution ;
Place: places where your solution will be sold;
Promotion: strategies and channels used to promote your solutions.
Step 4 – Define your goals
Define the results you want to achieve with your marketing strategies. Be reasonable and avoid setting impossible or easy goals.

At this point, it is worth remembering the SMART goals , which correspond to the acronym:

S (specific) : specific ;
M (measurable) : measurable ;
A (attainable) : attainable ;
R (relevant) : relevant ;
T (time based) : temporal .
Therefore, it is not enough to define objectives, they need to be quite specific, measurable, feasible to achieve, relevant to the business and with a time frame to be achieved.

Step 5 – Create an action plan
With your marketing objectives clearly defined, draw up an action plan to assign responsibilities. Establish what should be done, when and how.

If you want to better understand how to create an action plan, this video from Siteware can help you:

Step 6 – Set a schedule
Your marketing plan should also include a timeline with deadlines for implementing the strategies. To achieve this, project management tools are essential!

Step 7 – Set the budget
It is also important to include the budget allocated for each stage and strategy of the marketing plan. In other words, how much money you are willing to invest in marketing and how much return you expect to get .

Step 8 – Determine the mechanism to monitor the execution of the plan
Finally, you need to determine how you will monitor the strategies outlined in your planning and marketing. For example, you can use key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess the effectiveness of your actions and make the necessary adjustments to maximize your results.

A practical and objective way to monitor the performance of your strategic marketing plan is with the help of a control panel, with all the KPIs you need to monitor.

Watch this video to see how you can do this with the help of Agendor:

So, what did you think of our step-by-step guide on how to do strategic marketing planning?

Develop such a plan for your company and be more assertive in executing your strategies.