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The future of bots, trends

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 8:41 am
by hmonower921
Finance and medicine.
No less interesting, although strongly financially profiled, is Digit . The creators of the tool claim that although the bot won't make you rich, it will certainly develop the ability to save. A clever concept, thanks to which users who have problems with saving will be able to rely on suggestions from the artificial intelligence embedded in the bot. The AI ​​supporting the tool's decisions will not only suggest the course of action, but also (if we give it access to our account...) make appropriate allocations.

There is no need to worry too much about the consequences of the bot's actions, as it will manage very small amounts in the range of 2-17 USD. All decisions made by the tool will be based on the analysis of income, costs charged to our account, current state of funds, shopping habits, etc.
In addition to systematically managing our funds, the bot will be able to perform other banking operations if asked to do so.

HealthTap: This Facebook - based bot is the first typical medical platform. In principle, (which is worth emphasizing) the tool was to be a source of professional and free medical knowledge delivered quickly and globally via FB Messenger. According to the creators, this approach can become a serious contribution to education and medical assistance for less affluent people and citizens of the third world. Will the noble assumptions be realized? It is not known. However, it is known that the bot's Artificial Intelligence operates on a database created on an ongoing basis by cooperating doctors. In order to get 'advice', the bot must be familiarized with the symptoms of the disease. If an answer or advice cannot be provided, the issue will be forwarded to one of HealthTap's 100,000 participating physicians.

The future of bots seems promising and full of possibilities. The development of artificial intelligence, machine learning and natural language processing technologies, combined with the growing demand for automation and personalization, will likely contribute to the further evolution of bots.

The first major trend is the increasing complexity and intelligence of bots. Thanks to advances in artificial intelligence, bots are becoming more advanced and capable of understanding and ghana whatsapp lead responding to more complex queries and instructions. Bots, such as chatbots and voice assistants, are becoming better at understanding the context, feelings, and intentions of users, allowing for more natural and fluid interactions.

Another trend is the increasing use of bots in business. Companies are using bots to improve customer service, increase operational efficiency, and improve decision-making. In the future, we can expect to see more and more integration of bots with existing business systems and a growing role in data analysis.

At the societal level, we can expect bots to have an increasingly large impact. For example, bots can play an important role in education, helping to personalize learning and assess student progress. Bots can also contribute to democracy by enabling broader and more effective public consultation.

Finally, it is important to note that the future of bots will also bring new challenges. For example, issues related to privacy, security, ethics, and regulation will require continued attention and focus.

In sum, the future of bots is full of opportunities and challenges. How we use and manage them will have a decisive impact on how this technology will impact our society and economy.