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Thought leadership for sales enablement: Five ways content can boost sales

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 4:38 am
by Jahangir655
It’s official: thought leadership and the ability to produce high-quality thinking really does win business.

We know this because FT Longitude asked more than 2,600 senior executives to rank the factors that are most important to them when they choose who to do business with.

And top of the list was “quality of a firm’s ideas and their thought leadership” – ahead of more commonplace competitive tactics such as attractive pricing, the strength of the product and a brand’s global reach, demonstrating that high-value content strengthens sales enablement.

Source: Survey of 2600 senior executives, ranked in order of most popular answer. “Thought leadership and quality of ideas” came out on top.

This is a powerful reminder that, at a time when new list of mexico cell phone numbers products are quickly commoditised, it is ideas and insight that can put your company in pole position to win business.

How thought leadership for sales enablement accelerates your business
But to really benefit from the business-generative power of thought leadership, we need to understand how that works in today’s complex and multi-stakeholder buying cycles. What exactly does it do?

It helps your customer to understand and define their needs
This stage is about engaging your customer even before they realise they have a need that you can help with. Good thought leadership identifies your customers’ emerging pain points and challenges – often articulating these in ways that surprise the audience and make them think more deeply about what kind of solution they need.