Technology and AI , or artificial intelligence, are the biggest drivers of the transformations that are changing the world. Especially since it represents a completely new way for software to perform any type of task.
That is, simulating or putting into practice, by means of machines and computer systems, processes executed by man. We are talking about automating processes, reducing times, using fewer resources and increasing profits .
At IZA we want to describe how inserting robots into very varied processes opens up a world of infinite possibilities . Even in fields as diverse as medicine, business, engineering, coworking space design and much more.
What is AI?
AI is such a broad and transformative technology that it is changing the world, and yet it is difficult to give a precise definition. What is certain is that it is an interdisciplinary science with multiple approaches .
For example, it is considered a branch of computer science that aims to create machines capable of performing tasks and imitating human reasoning. It is also the study of agents that receive perceptions from the environment and execute actions.
A modern definition explains: “They are machines that respond to simulations, with the capacity for contemplation, judgment and intention, like humans.” In addition, they are capable of making decisions that require a human level of knowledge.
So, we can summarize list of telegram users in kuwait that AI is a set of technologies and methods that allow building machines and computer systems capable of:
Perceive their environment . To extract, process and analyze the content around them such as images, sounds, texts, data and much more.
Understanding the meaning of things . In a similar way to how humans do, finding patterns and establishing symbolic relationships.
Act . AI enables machines to make decisions and execute actions autonomously and without human intervention. It includes both the physical and digital world.
Learning . They are able to learn any subject on their own, developing self-sufficiency and continuous self-improvement.
What AI applications are being used by companies?
Today, AI, machine learning and deep learning are used in many areas that affect everyday life. For example, medicine, business, finance, engineering and security.
Below we will check out some uses of AI that have become common:
Sales and marketing . Analyzes all browsing data so companies can find out which products and services are of interest to their target audience.
Medicine . By analyzing numerous data and previous test results, it is able to make accurate diagnoses on its own.