Do you have a business plan and a business model in place? Now it's time to complete the necessary administrative procedures . When you are registered as a craftsman , you become a member of the Chamber of Commerce. After the mandatory registration, you can register your business . You don't have to inform the relevant tax office and the trade association separately - the trade office will do this for you.
Membership in the Chamber benin phone data of Commerce is subject to a fee . As a new founder, you pay no fees in the first year of membership and only reduced fees until the fourth year - unless you operate a GmbH or generate particularly high sales.
if you want to open a bakery. Before you get started with full vigor: take a moment to think about your insurance coverage . In addition to business liability insurance for personal injury and property damage to third parties, commercial insurance and contents insurance to protect furnishings, goods and equipment can also make sense.
Opening a bakery: securing financing
Before you make your dream of owning your own bakery or franchise branch come true, you need to clarify important financing questions. Do you have enough equity to set up your business and cover personnel and energy costs for starting up the business? You may also consider applying for a loan . If you can present a coherent business plan and have the appropriate credit rating, the chances of approval are good.
A valid health certificate is also mandatory
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