Tennis arm
Tennis player Oleksandra Oliynykova has pledged to offer her right arm as advertising space for life to anyone who buys the associated NFT.
With the proceeds from the sale of this unique non-fungible token, the tennis player intends to finance her sports career. In addition, it will be the first time that an athlete is sponsored through an NFT (and that well deserves to go down in history).
The space between the elbow and shoulder of the tennis player's arm (which is what Oliynykova sells austria number data to the highest bidder) earned the athlete more than 5,000 euros after just a few days on OpenSea.
Tim Berners-Lee is considered the father of the internet and in June 2021 he sold the original source code for the first internet browser (dating back to 1989) as an NFT.
Auctioned at Sotheb's and acquired by an unknown person, the NFT includes almost 10,000 lines of code, the original websites explaining the concept of the internet, a visualization of the code, a letter from Berners-Lee and a poster of the code in question.
Berners-Lee, who received considerable criticism for putting the NFT up for sale, did, however, donate the $5.4 million he earned from its commercialization.
4. Toilet paper
In spring 2021, Charmin created a digital version of the analog toilet paper it had been selling for nearly a century.
With its “Non Fungible Toilet Paper” it aims to provide comfort to its customers, whether they are sitting comfortably in the backseat or taking part in the booming crypto-economy.
Those who purchase a digital roll of Charmin toilet paper will also be treated to an analog version that they can enjoy in the loo.
It is a very extravagant initiative, although Charmin assured that it would donate all the income from its NFTs to the NGO Direct Relief.