“We estimate that the total market for the metaverse economy could exceed $10 trillion,” explains Ronit Ghose, Global Head of Analytics, FinTech & Digital Assets at Citi Global Insights. “The experts consulted in the report estimate a range of users between 5 billion (if we focus on all people with access to mobile internet) or 1 billion (taking into account only those with access to virtual reality and augmented reality devices),” he adds.
To take full advantage of the opportunities lurking in the metaverse, a huge investment in technology will switzerland number data be required.
In its report, Citigroup preferred to focus on the first figure (5 billion users) because it believes that the majority of those who access the metaverse in the coming years will do so through mobile devices and only a small minority will opt for specific virtual reality and augmented reality devices.
dominant currency in the metaverse , although they will coexist with legal tender, in-game tokens, stablecoins and CBDCs or central bank digital currencies .
To keep up with the massive growth expected in the future, the metaverse will need to rely on a huge investment in technology , Citigroup stresses. After all, the current infrastructure of the network of networks is not suitable for hosting the 100% immersive and frictionless experiences that the metaverse demands. And the computational efficiency of the Internet today will need to be multiplied by a thousand.
On the other hand, as the metaverse grows in size, it will also attract the attention of more and more regulators. And this will inevitably raise challenges related to content moderation, freedom of expression and privacy. The regulatory frameworks that cryptocurrencies and