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Social media engagement – ​​be it followers, comments, likes or shares

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 7:06 am
by Mostafa055
So before you start any new content marketing campaigns, you first need to understand who you're actually targeting and what you're trying to achieve so you can align your results with your overall goals. This will help you determine ROI. Below are some suggestions for key metrics to use when tracking your content marketing:

Email Open Rate/Responses – Email outreach is still one of the business email address list poland most effective forms of marketing and so it is important to really get this aspect of the process right and ensure that your email deliverability has been fully optimized to improve your chances
SEO success – check if your pages rank well on Google and if they contain the right keywords
newsletter registrations
Sales – through ads, newsletters, social media posts, etc.

Quality of leads – working with the sales team, you may be able to determine how potential customers and clients are made aware of your goods or services and whether this leads to a sale
What you track is up to you and ultimately depends on what you're trying to achieve with your content. Just make sure you have a good idea of ​​the metrics you'll use to calculate the ROI of your content marketing before you begin. This will help you provide better feedback to the team and measure your success.

Next, you need to collect and analyze your content data. Again, there are several ways to do this, depending on what you're measuring. You could take the simple approach and look at how many sales were made as a result of a particular piece of content. Tracking links and visits to your website through Google Analytics can be very useful for this. Alternatively, you may want to monitor your web traffic or social media engagement over a set period of time, such as a week or a month. There are several platforms you can use for this, including GA, Hootsuite, Sprout, and BuzzSumo.