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Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 7:14 am
3. Christmas gift guides
You can create personalized Christmas gift guides with product recommendations that match the customer’s stated interests or demographics. Send them via channels like email, SMS, or WhatsApp, which bypass all the mass media marketing that is so easy to miss and ignore. This way, more customers will interact with your promotion or offer.

You can make your mobile marketing messages even more engaging by using RCS – Rich Communications Services – which is sort of an enhanced version of MMS. With RCS, your messages can be interactive, connect to other apps, and include large video and image files.

For example, RCS lets you send subscribers a high-resolution gift catalog that lights up their inbox. It can showcase multiple products at once, prompting recipients to browse product images and complete a purchase. All of this can happen in their native Android message inbox.

4. Re-engage customers on repeat purchases
It’s usually much easier to resell to loyal customers than it is to acquire new ones. So engage your old customers directly using your existing communication channels. Send them special offers and exclusive deals based on their previous purchases.

Here’s an easy way to do this: Use Rich SMS or RCS to include images of your consumable products that your customers purchased a while ago to create the desire to repurchase. Since these potential Black Friday shoppers have opted in to hear from you, offer these deals exclusively to subscribers of the channels you use so they’re motivated to stay subscribed. Here are some tips for growing your SMS/MMS subscriber list .

5. Make your customers feel like VIPs
Email and SMS have long been a great way to deliver exclusive, personalized content to your base. Consumers feel special and excited when they receive personalized offers that are just for them. Black Friday is a great time to deliver this type of experience because you can notify some of your customers in advance so they’re ready when the offer goes live, or even give them an exclusive deal.

For example, in the weeks leading up to Black Friday, send an email with a subject line like “A Black Friday gift just for you, [First Name].” This draws customers in and makes them feel like insiders. Meanwhile, the offer inside should give them a discount or special deal, reinforcing that feeling of being truly special to your brand.

Clarins Privilege Days
Reminder: Reach your customers where they are waiting for you, don’t limit your communications to SMS or newsletters. You can also use messaging apps like Messenger and WhatsApp to further enhance the sense of community.

6. Optimize your visibility thanks to RCS
4 years after its release, who hasn't heard of SMS 2.0? An innovative format that arrives directly in your messaging application! Unlike a classic SMS, it is possible to push multimedia content (image, GIF & video) a text of more than 160 characters and to directly include 1 to 4 CTAs.

Uses Cases Clarins - Micromania - Cleor
This allows you to both redirect your customers to different pages of poland number for whatsapp your site and shorten their purchasing journey.

These features make the channel even more innovative with average KPIs:

RCS: The figures in 2022

7. Send cart abandonment reminders
Black Friday is a busy time for holiday shoppers. Even with all the deals and engaging experiences you can offer, some customers will still end up leaving items in their cart. They may have found something else to buy instead or preferred the competition. But it’s just as likely that they simply intended to pay later.

Send abandoned cart emails to ensure that more of these customers come back to complete their purchases. This is one of the most cost-effective marketing tactics you can use. Automated abandoned cart emails cost next to nothing to produce and seem less intrusive than traditional promotional emails, yet they can generate tons of easy revenue that you would have otherwise missed.


In addition to emails, you can also send abandoned cart SMS messages to increase sales. And whether via SMS or email, sometimes a small discount code or gift card can also motivate the shopper to complete their purchase. Here are some other ways to use SMS for retail marketing.

So you will have understood…
Winning new customers on Black Friday isn't just about partnering with the right influencers, spreading winning hashtags, or even beating the competition with the best promotional offers.

A lot of it is simply about reaching your audience effectively . Businesses and brands that get creative by using a multi-channel approach to targeting customers during Black Friday will have the most success. Otherwise, it’s just too easy to be forgotten, missed, or ignored on the big day.