KAM vs Sales Manager

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KAM vs Sales Manager

Post by Mimakte »

The essence of the work of a sales manager and a key account manager is the same: both need to understand the needs of clients, build strong relationships with them, prevent them from leaving and, as a result, close deals.

The main difference between them is the scale of work. While a sales manager works with a large number of clients, focusing on attracting new buyers, a key account manager manages a small pool of key clients, building long-term partnerships.

KAM vs Sales Manager

Source: shutterstock.com

The first one strives to attract as many new clients as possible, not always thinking about long-term prospects, while the second one builds a long-term interaction strategy, striving not only to preserve, but also to increase the “harvest” – the profit that its customers bring.

While a key account manager works with a couple of partners, an ordinary salesperson has 10 to 25 counterparties in his/her area of ​​attention. Due to such a number of clients, quality may suffer, because the range of responsibilities is wide:

customer relationship management - resolving disputes, processing requests and complaints;

sales and marketing - introducing new products, developing advertising campaigns, increasing brand awareness through quality service;

work with contracts - preparation, conclusion and control of execution;

activities related to the client base;

support - constant communication, assistance in solving emerging issues.

Naturally, the number of sales managers in the c canada mobile number ompany will exceed the number of those who work with key clients. After all, there are significantly more "regular" clients than VIP partners. It is important to note that an ordinary sales manager can grow to the position of KAM, demonstrating high performance in maintaining the base and engaging new people.

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Key Account Manager Requirements
Any company seeking long-term cooperation with important business partners must be aware of the high competition in the market. After all, each supplier strives to offer optimal conditions, additional benefits and privileges. Your clients understand this perfectly well and carefully approach the selection of contractors.

In this fight for loyalty, it is important to be several steps ahead of the competition on all fronts: price, quality of goods and services, service and all other customer-oriented aspects.

This is why you need a highly qualified and experienced key account manager, because such partners, as a rule, do not make hasty decisions, they require more information and personal contact.

Work experience is a key factor when choosing a key account manager. Companies rarely hire employees without experience for this position, with the exception, perhaps, of a junior KAM position in a large corporation. As a rule, a key account manager is a specialist with solid experience in a certain market area.

Key Account Manager Requirements

Source: shutterstock.com

The work of a KAM manager is not just sales, but a whole range of services for customer support. Therefore, a KAM manager must be able to establish not only business, but also personal contacts. Of course, communication skills and a deep understanding of the market, product, competitors, and decision makers (DMs) are also important. After all, effective interaction with key clients is impossible without trust and mutual understanding.

Companies want to see an experienced and knowledgeable specialist for the key account manager position. Here is a portrait of the ideal candidate:

Work experience : at least 3 years in a similar position in a recognizable company (preferably FMCG), with experience working with large clients - federal or network.

Market knowledge : it is important to understand the principles of the b2b market, its conditions, consumer preferences and brands.

Working with clients : you need to be able to not only attract new clients, but also develop relationships with current ones. Experience in successful management (account management) is important.

Sales skills : a high level of sales skills implies the ability to identify the client's needs, offer them the best conditions, build long-term relationships, work with objections, and know modern sales methods, techniques, and tools.

Business qualities : include developed communication skills, the ability to present yourself and the product, and skills in conducting business negotiations (including with top management of companies).

Analytical skills : strategic thinking, the ability to analyze information and a deep understanding of business processes are key qualities of a successful KAM.

Additional knowledge : understanding of the principles of trade marketing, knowledge of the economic, legal and accounting aspects of working with clients.

In addition, employers usually expect that the candidate will have a higher education and speak a foreign language. As for personal qualities, stress resistance, proactivity, healthy assertiveness, tact, ability to work in a team, presentable appearance and charisma come to the fore.

An effective key account manager is not just a good salesperson, but also a broad-based specialist. In addition to knowledge of the market and product, it is important that the KAM is oriented in marketing (in particular, in trade marketing), category management, logistics and has an understanding of the legal aspects of the work.

Sometimes the responsibilities of a key account manager include participation in product design, finding new opportunities for its application, logistics, sales support and marketing.

In today's reality, employers increasingly want to see in candidates for the position of key account manager also specialists who are able to act effectively in unstable conditions.

In their opinion, candidates with crisis management skills and experience working in conditions of uncertainty are better able to anticipate potential problems and are able to quickly adapt strategy to changes both at the company level and on a market or national scale.

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